The Bell Law Firm was recently featured on Insider Exclusive, the nation’s leading independent legal industry film producers. The show is dedicated to making critically acclaimed and cutting-edge TV to publicize and broadcast in mainstream media. Some of the nation’s...
Lloyd Bell was named to this year’s Georgia Trend magazine’s 2018 Legal Elite. The list ranks Georgia’s top attorneys as selected by their peers. To compile its Legal Elite, Georgia Trend polled several thousand members of the State Bar of Georgia asking them to...
Lloyd Bell was recently named among Georgia’s Top Rated Lawyers. The award is given to attorneys who have demonstrated leadership qualities and have achieved the AV Preeminent rating by Martindale-Hubbell®. Martindale-Hubbell®, the company that has long set the...
If you are a victim of medical malpractice in the state of Georgia, discuss your legal rights and options at once with an experienced Atlanta medical malpractice attorney like Bell Law Firm, who recently secured a $26 million medical malpractice verdict. On Monday,...