by Bell Law | Mar 31, 2022 | Advice for Patients, Injury
What is anaphylaxis? And why is it critical to understand the signs and symptoms? Anaphylaxis is a systemic allergic reaction that can be deadly if not treated right away. In a previous installment, we explained how exposure to common substances like peanuts, latex,...
by Bell Law | Mar 31, 2022 | Advice for Patients, Injury
Have you heard how even a single peanut can trigger a severe allergic reaction? The reaction is called “anaphylaxis,” and peanuts are not the only triggers. In fact, many common substances, including drugs you probably have in your medicine cabinet right now, can...
by Bell Law | Mar 31, 2022 | Advice for Patients, Injury, Law, Malpractice
A lawsuit we filed recently highlights the dangers of not obtaining a patient’s informed consent. There, after a small procedure had already proved successful in removing a cancerous tumor from the patient’s rectum, the surgeon convinced the patient to undergo an...
by Bell Law | Nov 8, 2021 | Advice for Patients, Injury, Malpractice, Science
Sometimes, doctors decide to place an IV line in the internal jugular (“IJ”) vein, which runs inside the neck—right next to the carotid artery. Especially when they decide not to use ultrasound guidance, medical providers sometimes miss the IJ, and insert the IV into...
by Bell Law | Nov 1, 2021 | Advice for Patients, Injury, Malpractice
The American Medical Association’s Code of Medical Ethics (the Code) requires doctors to inform patients of medical error. This obligation not only protects the relationship between doctor and patient but also promotes patient health and safety. What Is...
by Bell Law | Oct 4, 2021 | Advice for Patients, Injury
Triage is the process of sorting and prioritizing patients for care. Because the process determines a patient’s place “in line” at the ER, it is important to understand and pay attention to your triage score. What Does Triage Mean? The term refers to the sorting...