Understanding Acute Ischemic Strokes

Understanding Acute Ischemic Strokes

According to the Centers for Disease Control, stroke is a leading cause of death and serious impairment in the U.S. This installment introduces the most common type of stroke — acute ischemic strokes. What is Stroke? Stroke is the sudden death of brain cells due...
Detecting Sepsis: A Silent Killer

Detecting Sepsis: A Silent Killer

Sepsis is considered a silent critical illness that can lead to organ damage and even death. In this installment, we identify tools for detecting the illness before it is too late.   What is Sepsis?  Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the...
How to Win a Trial: Part One

How to Win a Trial: Part One

 In How to Win a Trial Pt. 1, Lloyd Bell detailed the preparation that goes into trial – from client meeting and discovery to evidence procurement and jury selection. Now in part two, we’ll dive deeper into how to win a trial, and detail the steps to take in crafting...