How to Win a Trial: Part One
In this week’s podcast episode we discuss how to win a trial. From opening statements to the final decision, this is how Bell approaches the courtroom.
How to Win a Trial: Part Two
In this week’s podcast episode we discuss how to win a trial. From opening statements to the final decision, this is how Bell approaches the courtroom.
How to Win a Trial
In this week’s podcast episode we discuss how to win a trial. From pre-trial prepation through jury selection, this is how Bell approaches the courtroom.
The Case of Sandra Williams: Part Two
Resolving the case of Sandra Williams v. St. Francis Hospital, which pit Williams and Bell Law Firm against staggering negligence and courtroom deceit.
The Case of Sandra Williams: Part One
The case of Sandra Williams v. St. Francis Hospital pit Williams and Bell Law Firm against staggering negligence and courtroom deceit.
Surgical Fires and Operating Room Fires: A Rare, but Real Danger
There are 3 components to a surgical fire: an ignition source, an oxidizer such as nitrous oxide, and fuel; all generally present in operating rooms. Such fires burn more than 500 people annually, including a Bell Law client.
War Stories: Cris Nelson and a Lesson in Creativity
Nelson v. Emory shows that the common thread in medical malpractice cases is the human story. Show it to the jury and they will see the truth.
War Stories: Michael Barbour and a Lesson in Risk
Barbour v. Piedmont Newnan Hospital was a challenging malpractice case that underscores the importance of creativity in the courtroom and the power of human connection.
War Stories: Connie Lockhart and a Lesson in Tenacity
Roughly 85-90% of the cases we see are resolved through settlements. However, that wasn’t the case for Connie Lockhart. Her case went all the way through a jury trial, where 12 individuals were tasked with deciding the future of the case through a verdict.
Breaking Down the Ryan Stephens Case: Pt. 2
There are 3 lessons I take away from the Stephens case: the importance of communication, how quickly a mistake can turn horrific and the need for awareness.
Breaking Down the Ryan Stephens Case: Pt. 1
Ryan Stephens died from undiagnosed cancer at 25. Was there something that could’ve been done to save him? Bell Law Firm set forth to uncover the truth.
Medical Malpractice is a Killer: Part Two
It’s no small thing to accuse a doctor of malpractice. But when healthcare professionals don’t follow the rules, there must be accountability.
Medical Malpractice is a Killer: Part One
Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States. How is this possible in our country? In my 25 years of service, I’ve come to blame one trend the most: our industrialization of medical care in America.
Finding the Visual Balance
Maximizing the balance of visual or audio evidence and demonstratives in your presentation is a fundamental part of proficient courtroom communication.
2020: An Unprecedented Year in Review
Despite a challenging year for everyone, we persevere. To our clients, family and friends – we thank you, and look forward to all that 2021 holds.