What is Anaphylaxis?
Anaphylaxis is a systemic allergic reaction that can be deadly if not treated right away. Here’s how to recognize the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis.
Anaphylaxis: Why Peanuts Are Banned from School
Have you heard how even a single peanut can trigger a severe allergic reaction? The reaction is called “anaphylaxis,” and peanuts are not the only triggers.
What Is Informed Consent and Why Is It So Important?
Informed consent is a fundamental principle of law and ethics. But what is it? The principle of informed consent consists of two interrelated elements.
Impossible Cases with Josh Koskoff Part 2
We’re joined once again by Josh Koskoff, plaintiff attorney representing the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
Impossible Cases with Josh Koskoff Part 1
In this episode, we’re joined by Josh Koskoff, plaintiff attorney representing the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
John Campbell and Jury Trial Data Analytics, Part 2
In this episode of Face the Jury, we’re joined by John Campbell, the founder of Empirical Jury making a tremendous impact bringing data and analytics to trial lawyers.
John Campbell and Jury Trial Data Analytics
In this episode of Face the Jury, we’re joined by John Campbell, the founder of Empirical Jury making a tremendous impact bringing data and analytics to trial lawyers.
Crossing the Line: The Devastating Harm of Placing an IV Line Into the Carotid Artery
When medical providers sometimes miss the internal jugular vein, and instead place the IV into the carotid artery, the consequences can be devastating.
Medical Error: What Your Doctors Must Tell You About the Mistakes They Make
The American Medical Association’s Code of Medical Ethics (the Code) requires doctors to inform patients of medical error. Here’s everything you need to know…
Dan Holloway & The Requirement for Effective Lawyers
In today’s episode, Lloyd discusses case preparation, approach, and how to achieve success with Dan Holloway, Partner at Bell Law Firm.
The Issue of Medical Malpractice in the Military, Pt. 2
Prior to the work of our guests, lawyer Natalie Khawam and journalist Matt Grant, on the Feres Doctrine, medical malpractice in the military meant no suing, no matter what.
Triage: How the First Stop at the ER Determines Patient Priority
Triage is the process of sorting and prioritizing patients for care. Because the process determines a patient’s place “in line” at the ER, it is important to understand and pay attention to your triage score.
Cardiac Arrest and Heart Attack: Understanding the Difference
Although the terms are often used interchangeably, “cardiac arrest” and “heart attack” are actually not the same. Because both can be deadly and require immediate action, it is important to understand the difference.
The Issue of Medical Malpractice in the Military, Pt. 1
“Face the Jury” is a podcast dedicated to all issues involving medical malpractice – what it is, how to spot it and how to prevent it while protecting yourself and your family. Until recently, United States military members were barred from suing...
Going to the Hospital on Friday Night in July? Know the Risks.
Several factors, from the time of year to the day of the week, can affect how well a patient does in the hospital. A few weeks ago, we covered the Weekend Effect. In this installment, we address nights and seasons.