In this episode of Face the Jury, we’re joined by Susan Powell, a certified ACE advanced health and fitness trainer with over 25 years of experience working with trial lawyers and other high-stress professionals. Susan shares practical tips and strategies to help legal professionals prioritize their health while navigating the demands of their careers. 


Stressors of a Trial Lawyer’s Life 

The life of a trial lawyer is anything but ordinary. Long hours, high stress, and unrelenting pressure can take a toll on mental and physical health. A 2023 study revealed that 66% of lawyers believe their time in the profession has negatively impacted their mental health. Lawyers are also 22 times more likely to contemplate suicide than those in less stressful professions. 

This raises an essential question: how can trial lawyers, who dedicate their lives to helping others, prioritize their own well-being? One of the most common challenges Susan encounters among trial lawyer clients is stress. “Exercise is a miracle drug for reducing stress,” Susan explains. Through weight training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), she helps clients lower their anxiety levels, improve focus, and enhance sleep quality. 


Consistency is Key 

Susan emphasizes the importance of consistency. When asked about the best time to exercise, Susan points to the morning as the optimal choice for many of her clients. Morning workouts put you first before the rest of the world takes over your day. While not everyone is a 5 a.m. person, early exercise can set the tone for a productive and balanced day. 

For days when your schedule is unpredictable and you barely have enough time to breathe, she recommends integrating shorter activities throughout the day. Even five minutes of walking, a wall sit, or some pushups can make a big difference.  

For those who struggle to stay consistent, she suggests making fitness a non-negotiable part of your schedule, just like court dates or client calls. Lloyd agrees that legal work is driven by your schedule. If it’s not on your calendar, it’s not going to happen. Scheduling workouts ensures accountability. 


Fueling the Brain on High-Pressure Days 

Diet also plays a pivotal role in maintaining energy and focus, especially during trials. Susan advises lawyers to stock up on portable, healthy snacks like protein bars, fruits, and nuts. Don’t wait until you’re starving to make a decision because that’s when bad choices happen.  

Her dietary mantra is simple: prioritize protein and minimize sugar. Protein provides sustained energy and helps you feel fuller for longer, while sugar spikes can lead to energy crashes and mental fog. 

For those tackling long trial days, Susan recommends preparing a “snack toolkit” with easy-to-grab items like apples, oranges, or a handful of almonds. By planning ahead, lawyers can avoid the temptation of fast food and stay sharp in court. 


Staying Healthy Without Missing the Fun 

 The holiday season, networking events, and conferences are notoriously challenging environments for health goals. With cocktail parties and judicial dinners filling the calendar, it’s easy to let fitness and nutrition slide. 

Susan’s advice? Bank your calories. If you know you’re attending an evening event with indulgent food and drinks, keep breakfast and lunch light and nutrient-dense. Opt for high-protein meals like eggs for breakfast or a salmon salad for lunch to leave room for the evening’s festivities without overindulging. 

Another simple trick is to eat a small, high-fiber snack before attending events. Walking into a party hungry is a recipe for overeating.  


Prioritizing Self-Care 

As Lloyd aptly notes, taking care of yourself is like putting on your own oxygen mask on a plane before helping others. Susan agrees, emphasizing that a strong, healthy lawyer is a better advocate for their clients. 

Trial work is emotionally and physically taxing, but it doesn’t have to come at the expense of your well-being. By incorporating consistent exercise, proper nutrition, and smart scheduling into your routine, you can create a foundation for a healthier and more sustainable career. 


Listen to Susan Powell’s episode here and stay tuned for the next episode with our host, Lloyd Bell. “Face the Jury” is a podcast dedicated to confronting the issues involving medical malpractice in America– what it is, how to spot it and how to protect you and your family from medical negligence.