by Bell Law | Mar 30, 2020 | Advice for Patients, Law, Malpractice
By definition, medical malpractice occurs when a patient is harmed because a doctor, nurse or other medical professional fails to provide proper treatment. Doctors owe a “duty of care” to each of their patients, which means doctors are responsible for...
by Bell Law | Mar 30, 2020 | Advice for Patients, Law
Reviewing your own medical records after every visit is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself as a patient. Ensuring symptoms, medications and conditions are listed correctly can help shield against both potential misdiagnosis and medication errors....
by Bell Law | Mar 26, 2020 | Complaints
The medical negligence action Hendon v. Northview Associates arises out of a sedation overdose that left a woman with permanent pain and numbness in her arms, numbness in both feet and decreased sensation with bowel and bladder. To view the full complaint, click...
by Bell Law | Mar 11, 2020 | Press Release
ATLANTA, Ga. – March 5, 2020 – Lloyd Bell of Atlanta-based Bell Law Firm today confirms the settling of a false-arrest and officer-negligence case against Agnes Scott College for a confidential sum. The settlement concludes the lawsuit brought by Amanda Hartley for...